Letra Música All My Friends – Owl City

It’s been this way from the start
It’s like they’re always tryna tear us apart
But we will stand strong, stand true
And everybody’s gonna watch what we do
And they’ll be awestruck, sayin’: Aww shucks
They either got real good
Or they got real good luck

And I’d be lyin’ if I said that I could take anymore
‘Cause I’ve been on my own, tryin’ like never before
And I was lyin’ on the couch
And there’s this knock on the door
And it’s like, ohhhhhh

All my friends, woa-oa-oah
Come right in, woa-oa-oah
All my friends
We can take it all back again, woa-oa-oah
Put your hands on in
And let me hear you say: oh, yeah!
Let me hear you say: yeah!

Another day, another chance
We got our card and we’re goin’ to the dance
We’re gonna stay strong, hold true
And everybody’s gonna watch what we do

And they’ll be awestruck, sayin’: aww shucks
They either got real good
Or they got real good luck

And I’d be lyin’ if I said that we could take anymore
‘Cause we’re about to light a fire like never before
And if you’re lyin’ on the couch
And there’s a knock on the door
And it’s like, ohhhhhh

All my friends, woa-oa-oah
Come right in, woa-oa-oah
All my friends
We can take it all back again, woa-oa-oah
Put your hands on in
And let me hear you say: oh, yeah!
Let me hear you say: yeah!

All my friends, woa-oa-oah
Come right in, woa-oa-oah
All my friends
We can take it all back again, woa-oa-oah
Put your hands on in
And let me hear you say: ohhhhhhhh, yeah!
Let me hear you say: yeah!

We’ll always be young at heart
And nothing’s ever gonna tear us apart
Because we stand strong, stand true
And everybody’s gonna watch what we do

And they’ll be awestruck, sayin’: aww shucks
They either got real good or… you know what

All my friends, woa-oa-oah
Come right in, woa-oa-oah
All my friends
We can take it all back again, woa-oa-oah
Put your hands on in
And let me hear you say ohhhhhhhh
All my friends, woa-oa-oah
Come right in, woa-oa-oah
All my friends
We can take it all back again, woa-oa-oah
Put your hands on in
And let me hear you say: ohhhhhhhh, yeah!
Let me hear you say: yeah

Owl City – All My Friends – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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