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Letra Música We’ll Be Together – Sting

I see me with you and all the things you do
Keep turning round and round in my mind
Forget the weather we should always be together
And any other thought is unkind
To have you with me I would swim the seven seas
To have you as my guide and my light
My love is a flame that burns in your name
We’ll be together
We’ll be together tonight

We’ll be together yeah
We’ll be together yeah
We’ll be together, yeah

I see you with me and all I want to be
Is dancing here with you in my arms
Forget the weather we should always be together
I’ll always be a slave to your charms

To have you with me I would swim the seven seas
To have you as the guide in my life
My love is a flame that burns in your name
We’ll be together
We’ll be together

We’ll be together, yeah
We’ll be together, yeah
We’ll be together, yeah

Call me baby
You can call me anything you want
Call me baby
Call me
We’ll be together, yeah
We’ll be together, yeah

I see you with me and baby makes three
I see me with you and all the things we do
Forget the weather we should always be together
I need you as my guide and my light
My love is the flame that burns in your name
We’ll be together We’ll be together tonightSting – We’ll Be Together – Ouvir Música

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