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Letra Música If It’s Love – Sting

Jumped out of bed this morning
With a smile upon my face
It’s still there while I shave my chin
But the reason’s hard for me to trace
I cook myself some breakfast
Have some coffee while I muse
Where could this smile have come from?
It’s a muscle that I rarely use
Call the doctor with my symptoms
Should I spend all day in bed?
Can you explain what’s ailing me?
And that is what my doctor said

If it’s love, it has no season
If it’s love, there is no cure
If it’s love, it won’t see reason
And of this you can be sure
If it’s lovе, you must surrender (you must surrendеr)
If it’s love that’s turned you ‘round (that’s turned you ‘round)
If it’s love, the odds are slender (the odds are)
If it’s love, you’re sunk without a trace
One case can bring you down

You smile and your heart skips a beat
You hear a church bell chiming
A sound that’s ringing in your ears
Will set your hearbeat climbing

And my doctor’s diagnosis?
His opinion, and I quote, “I’ll write you a prescription”
And this is what my doctor wrote

If it’s love, it has no season
If it’s love, there is no cure
If it’s love, it won’t see reason
And of this you can be sure
If it’s love, you must surrender (you must surrender)
If it’s love then you must yield (then you must yield)
If it’s love, the odds are slender (the odds are)
If it’s love, the trap’s already laid
And I’m afraid your fate is all but sealedSting – If It’s Love – Ouvir Música

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