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Letra Música After The Rain Has Fallen – Sting

The palace guards are all sleeping Their fires burn into the night There’s a threat of rain on the dark horizon And all that’s left is a quarter moon of lightHe climbs up through the darkness No weapon but his surprise The greatest thief in the high Sahara Enters the room where a sleeping princess liesAll your money, your pretty necklace This is my work on such a night There’s a storm coming over the mountains I’ll be gone long before the morningAfter the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You find that I’ve taken nothing, that Love can’t replace in the blink of an eyeHe was as gentle as the night wind As no lover had been before And the rings she wore for her bride groom Slipped from her fingers and fell to the floorTake me with you, take me with you Before my lonely life is set I’ve been promised to another To a man I’ve never even metAfter the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You’ll find that I’ve taken nothing, that Love can’t replace in the blink of an eye After the thunder’s spoken, and After the lightning bolt’s been hurled After the dream is broken, there’ll Still be love in the worldShe said take me to another life Take me for a pirate’s wife Take me where the wind blows Take me where the red wine flows Take me to the danger Take me to the life of crime Take me to the stars Take me to the moon while we still have timeAfter the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You’ll find that I’ve taken nothing, that Love can’t replace in the blink of an eyeAfter the thunder’s spoken, and After the lightning bolt’s been hurled After the dream is broken, there’ll Still be love in the world Still be love in the worldSting – After The Rain Has Fallen – Ouvir Música

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