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Letra Música Electric Blue – Icehouse

If a boy had a chance, a chance with someone like you
Are you gonna break his heart, let him cry for the Moon
Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?
I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you, electric blue
On my knees, help me baby
Tell me, what can I do, electric blue

Oh I had a dream, For a moment I believed it was true
Oh I’d have given anything just to be there with you
Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?

I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you, electric blue
In too deep, standing here waiting
As I’m breaking in two, electric blue
I can see, can see that it may be
Just a vision of you, electric blue
On my knees, help me baby
Tell me what can I do, electric blue

(Help me baby)

Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes?

I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you, electric blue
In too deep, standing here waiting
As I’m breaking in two, electric blue
I can see, can see that it may be
Just a vision of you, electric blue
On my knees, help me baby
Tell me, what can I do, electric blue

I just freeze every time you see through me
And it’s all over you, electric blue
In too deep, standing here waiting
As I’m breaking into, electric blue
I can see, can see that it may be
Just a vision of you, electric blue
On my knees, help me baby
Tell me, what can I do, electric blue

Electric blue
Electric blue
Electric blueIcehouse – Electric Blue – Ouvir Música

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