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Letra Música Tenderness – General Public

I don’t know when to start or when to stop
My luck’s like a button
I can’t stop pushing it
My head feels light
But I’m still in the dark
Seems like, without tenderness, there’s something missing
Where is the
Where is it?
I don’t know where I am, but I know I don’t like it
I open my mouth and out pops something spiteful
Words are so cheap, but they can turn out expensive
Words like conviction can turn into a sentence

I held your hands
Rings, but none on that finger
We danced and danced
But I was scared to go much further with it
Just half a chance
Make sure that one night you’re here
But next night you’re not
It always leaves me searching for a little

Where is the
Where is the

Whistling in the graveyard
Calling up your girlfriend
Just trying to make her understand
You’re squeezing the telephone like it was her hand
No question (so many questions)
She’s going to catch you out, boy
It all seems so underhand
Now she’s the only thing that ever made you feel like a man, man
Madman, madman

Where is the
Where is it?

I held your hands
Rings, but none on that finger
We danced and danced
But I was scared to go much further with it
Just half a chance
Make sure that one night you’re here
But next night you’re not
It always leaves me searching for a little

Where is the

When you’re sick to death of second best, pet
Why should the morning always find you unimpressed?
Is your love like a button?
You can’t stop pushing it?
Oh, this all night longing can be such a long time
General Public – Tenderness – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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