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Letra Música summertime hightime (feat. J-Kwe$t) – Cuco

Summertime is the time I like to get high with you
It’s true
Vibe with me, trip with me
Let me spend my days with you
Going up a hill and were on a pretty pill
I’m just around the corner where the clouds meet up
The mills
Happiness is back ain’t no one to me but you

And no lies have come along, everything I say is true
If I’m on cloud 9, maybe 30, even 2
Ain’t no one bringing me down ‘cause my highest is with you
So grab my hand and now let’s go fly away from town
Let’s get to outserspace, baby, I’m telling you now that

Summertime is the time I like to get high with you
It’s true
Vibe with me, trip with me
Let me spend my days with you

Baby, come and share ya lovely vibes
Baby, come and share ya lovely vibes
Baby, come and share ya lovely vibes
I’ll promise that I’ll make you mine tonight

Shawty I don’t really care
We could get drunk in the in the back of the trunk
You a perfect 10, no gas, no pump
Sippin on rum, baby, we young
Shawty, don’t ever tell me that you’re done
‘Cause I wanna get a taste, don’t run
Shawty, you gorgeous, girl, you should know dis
Gotta so many things I never told ya

Summertime is the time I like to get high with you
It’s true
Vibe with me, trip with me
Let me spend my days with you

Summertime is the time I like to get high with you
It’s true
Vibe with me, trip with me
Let me spend my days with youCuco – summertime hightime (feat. J-Kwe$t) – Ouvir Música

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