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Letra Música Stay For a Bit – Cuco

Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Save me a seat next to you
Let’s go out and find
The sky is yours tonight
I know you’ve been wonderin’ were I went
Been searching for a light to guide my soul tonight
The city wants us to know, things we need alright
If maybe you were mine, if maybe you were mine
Hoping my presence would be clear
The question I’ve been holding is if you wanna go on a date

Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight

City lights ignite the path to you
I don’t know if you meant to come my way but I hope you are
Swear its just to real to be true
I can’t tell if you’re real
Cause in my dreams I was messin’ with you

Night Night is your canvas
Give it many colors
You’re just like no other
You could be my lover
Treasure hunting pleasures
But I’ve found my treasure
Stay here for awhile
Will you stay for a bit? Or Forever

Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonight
Try to make it right
I wanna make you mine
Let’s hope that things go well tonightCuco – Stay For a Bit – Ouvir Música

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no O Globo Online