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Letra Música Moonshine – Mike Oldfield

Walking out on a stormy day
The cold wind, the fine sea spray
Looking out over Galway Bay
The troubled sky all dark and grey
Far from these shores there stands liberty
So let it be
But every while I would remember
The day we drank
Moonshine in the rain
And raised our glasses to the wind
The day that we dreamed we could be free
Riding on wings of liberty
So here’s one more for our friends
And here’s one for our children
Feeling the cold rain on our fingertips
And moonshine on our lips

So we paid our dues
And we packed our rags
Made it thought Ellis Island’s ranks
Across the waves to America
Hearts and souls to the stripes and the stars
Far from our shores we found liberty
So let it be
But every while I would remember

The day we drank
Moonshine in the rain
And raised our glasses to the wind
The day that we dreamed we could be free
Riding the wings of liberty
So here’s one more for our friends
And here’s one for our children
Feeling the cold rain on our fingertips
And moonshine on our lips

So we made our way
Through the Cumberland Gap
Appalachia, never looking back
Through the wind and rain
And the cold and pain
But nothing evermore would feel the same

All of this life we strive to be free
So let it be
But every while I would remember

The day we drank
Moonshine in the rain
And raised our glasses to the wind
The day that we dreamed we could be free
And riding on wings of liberty
So here’s one more for our friends
And here’s one for our children
Feeling the cold rain on our fingertips
And moonshine on our lips

Moonshine in the rain
And raised our glasses to the wind
The day that we dreamed we could be free
Riding on wings of liberty
So here’s one more for our friends
And here’s one our children
Feeling the cold rain on your fingertips
And liberty on our lips
On our lips!Mike Oldfield – Moonshine – Ouvir Música

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