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Letra Música Man On The Rocks – Mike Oldfield

So you come to my world, I can show you
Where they lead to the footprints in the sand
On the path through the valleys and canyons
To the veins in your arm, take my hand
I’m the man on the rocks on the island
The black pearl, the fool on the hill
I’m the gold at the end of the rainbow
If I ask you to follow, you will

So you come to my world to find freedom
Give you wings to the stars, you can fly
Bring you hope and a dream to believe in
As you float through the dark crimson sky

I’m the man on the rocks on the island
The jewel in the crown of the king
I’m the hope in the hearts of the helpless
The choir where no-one will sing

There’s a trail out of the canyon
There’s a new life waiting out there
It’ll take you home, out of this chasm
Where there’s blue sky, sunlight to share

So you come to my world to escape it all
And you’re running from the dragons and the fools
Through the dark empty caverns deep in your soul
Chasing the tiger, the jewels

I’m the the man on the rocks on the island
I’m the beggar, the loser, the cheat
So now you come to the gates for redemption
With a ball and chain at your feet

There’s a trail out of the canyon
There’s a new life waiting out there
It’ll take you home, out of this chasm
Where there’s blue sky, sunlight to share

I’m the man on the rocks on the island!
I’m the man on the rocks on the island!

I’m the man on the rocks on the island!
Ooh I’m the man on the rocks on the island!Mike Oldfield – Man On The Rocks – Ouvir Música

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