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Letra Música I Fall For You – Era

Espe Gratie Omen
Infana Deus Gratiem
Deus Gloria e Tuam
Mysteratsimo Vexe Magica
In the sound of the slight I fall for you
In the mist of the night I will beat for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands what you will
I’ll belong

In the night of the cry I fall for you
In the light of the moon I will dance for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands I stay
I’ll belong

Espe Gratie Omen
Infana Deus Gratiem
Deus Gloria e Tuam
Mysteratsimo Vexe Magica

In the sound of the slight I fall for you
In the mist of the night I will beat for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands what you will
I’ll belong

In the night of the cry I fall for you
In the light of the moon I will dance for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands I stay
I’ll belong
Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea Alleluia

In the sound of the slight I fall for you
In the eye of the storm I will beat for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands what you will
I’ll belong

In the night of the cry I fall for you
In the light of the moon I will dance for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands any will
I’ll belong

In the sound of the slight I fall for you
In the eye of the storm I will beat for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands what you will
I’ll belong

In the night of the cry I fall for you
In the light of the moon I will dance for you
In the house by the seeing in your hands any will
I’ll belongEra – I Fall For You – Ouvir Música

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