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Letra Música Praying For Love – Donna De Lory

Prayin for love
To take my tears
To take my fears and throw them all away
Praying for love on this holy night
If we look real hard I know we’ll see the light
Praying for love
Everybody needs a hand to hold
To keep them warm at night to take away the cold
Everybody needs a good night kiss
It’s the one great thing that we can’t resist
Oh, I’ll be right here waiting and I’m praying

Praying for love oh get here soon
Take me in it’s arms under the yellow moon
Praying for love oh bring me wings
And to let me fly up where the angels sing
Praying for love (love is what I’m dreaming of)
Praying for love

While the world is spinning on it’s side
We can stay right here and keep our dreams alive
Take the time to hear the beating of the drums
Hear the voice that’s calling out for everyone
Oh, I’ll be right here waiting and I’m praying

Praying for love oh take my tears
Gonna take my fears and throw them all away
Praying for love on this holy night
If we look real hard I know we’ll see the light
Praying for love (love is what I’m dreaming of)
Praying for love

Aphrodite are you out there
I thought heard you whispering his name
You know eros doesn’t play fair (I don’t care)
I’ll walk into the flames

Cause I’m praying for love oh hear me cry
And you touch my heart hears only say goodbye
Praying for love oh bring me wings
And to let me fly up where the angels sing
Praying for love (love is what I’m dreaming of)
Praying for love
Praying for love (love is what I’m dreaming of)
Praying for love

Praying for love
Ooh oh, praying for love
Praying for love to the only when I cry
To touch my heart before you say goodbye
Praying for love to the only when I cry
Praying for loveDonna De Lory – Praying For Love – Ouvir Música

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