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Letra Música Vampire Money – My Chemical Romance

Well, are you ready, Ray?
How about you, Frank?
Oh I’m there, baby
How about you, Mikey?
Fucking ready
Well, I think I’m alright
3-2-1 We came to fuck
Everybody party till the gasman comes
Sparkle like Bowie in the morning Sun
And get a parking violation on La Brea till it’s done

Hair Back, collar up, jet black, so cool!
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you, c’mon

When you wanna be a movie star (c’mon! )
Play the game and take band real far (c’mon! )
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c’mon! )
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don’t care if you’re all right honey
Pills don’t help but it sure it’s funny
Gimmie gimmie some of that vampire money c’mon!

3-2-1 we got the bomb
Everybody hurry till the tax man comes
Glimmer like Bolan in the morning Sun
And get your finger on the trigger
Tap the barrel of the a gun

Hair back, motherfucker!
Jet black, so cool
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you (c’mon!)

When you wanna be a movie star (c’mon!)
Play the game and take band real far (c’mon!)
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c’mon!)
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don’t care if you’re all right honey
Pills don’t help but it sure it’s funny
Gimmie gimmie some of that vampire money c’mon!

Well 3-2-1 we came to fuck
Everybody party till the gasman comes
Sparkle like Bowie in the morning Sun
And get a parking violation on La Brea till it’s done

Hair Back, collar up, jet black, so cool!
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you (c’mon!)

When you wanna be a movie star (c’mon!)
Play the game and take band real far (c’mon!)
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c’mon!)
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don’t care if you’re all right honey
Pills don’t help but it sure it’s funny
Gimmie gimmie some of that vampire money c’mon!

My Chemical Romance – Vampire Money – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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