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There Will Never Be Another You

There will be many other nights like this
And I’ll be standing here with someone new
There will be other songs to sing
Another fall… another spring…

But there will never be another you
There will be other lips that I may kiss
But they won’t thrill me
Like yours used to do

Yes, I may dream a million dreams
But how can they come true
If there will never, ever be another you
There will be many other nights like this
And I’ll be standing here with someone new
There will be other songs to sing
Another fall… another spring…

But there will never be another you
There will be other lips that I may kiss
But they won’t thrill me
Like yours used to do

Yes, I may deram a million dreams
But how can they come true
If there will never, ever be another youEstilo: MPB ROMÂNTICO Artista: Caetano Veloso Canal no Youtube: Caetano Veloso

There Will Never Be Another You – Caetano Veloso

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