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Burn It Blue

Burn this house
Burn it blue
Heart running on empty
So lost without you
But the night sky blooms with fire
And the burning bed floats higher
And she’s free to fly…
Woman so weary
Spread your unbroken wings
Fly free as the swallow sings
Come to the fireworks
See the dark lady smile
She burns…
And the night sky blooms with fire
And the burning bed floats higher
And she’s free to fly…
Burn this night
Black and blue
So cold in the morning
So cold without you
And the night sky blooms with fire
And the burning bed floats higher
And she’s free to fly
Y la noche que se incendia,
Y la cama que se eleva,
A volar…
And of the dark days
Painted in dark gray hues
They fade with the dream of you
Wrapped in red velvet
Dancing the night away
I burn…
Midnight blue
Spread those wings
Fly free with the swallows
Fly one with the wind
Y ella es flama que se eleva,
Y es un pájaro a volar
Y es un pájaro a volar
En la noche que se incendia,
El infierno es este cielo
Estrella de oscuridad
And the night sky blooms with fire
And the burning bed floats higher
And she ’s free to fly
Just a spark in the sky
Painting heaven and hell
Much brighter
Burn this house
Burn it blue
Heart running on empty
So lost without youEstilo: MPB ROMÂNTICO Artista: Caetano Veloso Canal no Youtube: Caetano Veloso

Burn It Blue – Caetano Veloso

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