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Begin The Beguine

When they begin the beguine
It brings back the sound of music so tender;
It brings back a night of tropical splendor,
It brings back a memory evergreen.
I’m with you once more under the stars
And down by the shore
An orchestra’s playing
And even the palms seem to be swaying
When they begin the beguine.
To live it again is past all endeavor,
Except when that tune clutches my heart
And there we are swearing to love forever,
And promising never, never to part.
What moments divine, what rapture serene,
Till clouds came along to disperse
The joy we had tasted,
And now, when I hear people curse
The chance that was wasted,
I know but too well what they mean.
So don’t let them begin the beguine!
Let the love that was once a fire
Remain an ember;
Let it sleep like a dead desire
I only remember
When they begin the beguine.
Oh, yes, let them begin the beguine,
Make them play!
Till the stars that we met before
Return above you;
Till you whisper to me once more,
‘Darling, I love you!’
And we suddenly know what heaven we’re in
When they begin the beguine.

by JandTEstilo: MPB Artista: Gal Costa Canal no Youtube: Gal Costa

Begin The Beguine – Gal Costa

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