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Letra Música Hellraiser – Motörhead

I’m living on an endless road
Around the world for rock and roll
Sometimes it feels so tough
But I still ain’t had enough
I keep saying that it’s getting too much
But I know I’m a liar
Feeling all right in the noise and the light
But that’s what lights my fire

Hellraiser, in the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, and I’ll make it come true
Hellraiser, I’ll put a spell on you

Walking out on another stage
Another town, another place
Sometimes I don’t feel right
Nerves wound up too damn tight

Don’t you tell me that it’s bad for my health?
‘Cos kicking back don’t make it
Out of control, I play the ultimate role
Don’t know how to fake it

Hellraiser, in the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, and I’ll make it come true
Hellraiser, I’ll put a spell on you

I’m living on an endless road
Around the world for rock and roll
Sometimes it feels so tough
But I still ain’t had enough

I keep saying that it’s getting to much
But I know I’m a liar
Feeling all right in the noise and the light
But that’s what lights my fire

Hellraiser, in the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, and I’ll make it come true
Hellraiser, I’ll put a spell on you


Motörhead – Hellraiser – Ouvir Música

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