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Letra Música Hotel – Montell Fish

I’m a slave to her, slave to her love
I’m a slave to her, slave to her love
I’m a slave to her, slave to her love
I’m a slave to your love, it’s who you are that I cry
When I met you in that hotel room
I could tell that you were so bad news
But I keep messin’ with ya, messin’ with ya
And now you’re messin’ with me, messin’ with me

I keep goin’ back to this hotel room
I just don’t know what the hell to just tell you
But I like messin’ with ya, messin’ with you
Girl, now you’re messin’ with me, messin’ with me

This hotel room
You put me in, my love
Look, girl, I love you
You know me, girl
Better than I know myself, my love
Hotel hell, oh

When I met you in that hotel room
I could tell that you were so bad news
But I keep messin’ with ya, messin’ with ya
And now you’re messin’ with me, messin’ with me

I keep goin’ back to this hotel room
I just don’t know what the hell to just tell you
But I love messin’ with ya, messin’ with you
Girl, now you’re messin’ with me, messin’ with me

Montell Fish – Hotel – Ouvir Música

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