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Letra Música Beautiful World – Michael Bolton

You carry the weight much better than I do

Day after day, waitin’ for good news

All of our needs, our hopes and our dreams

Are waitin’ on an open door

I see a spark of light in the dark

We’ll be stronger than before

We gotta love like we’ve never been hurt

We gotta rise like we’ve never been burned

And after all of the lessons we’ve learned

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

A beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh

Gonna make this a beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh

A beautiful world

I’ll carry the weight, no mountain is too high

It’s never too late, there’s always a sunrise

All of our needs, our hope and our dreams

Are waiting on an open door

I see a spark of light in the dark

We’ll be wiser than before

We gotta love like we’ve never been hurt

We gotta rise like we’ve never been burned

And after all of the lessons we’ve learned

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

A beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh

A beautiful world

When we come together

Everything’s gonna be much better

When we come together

We gotta love like we’ve never been hurt

Rise like we’ve never been burned

And after all of the lessons we’ve learned

We’re gonna make this

Gonna make this a beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh

Gonna make this a beautiful world

Oh-oh, oh-oh (oh) (oh-oh)

Make this a beautiful world

When we come together (when we come together) (oh-oh, oh-oh)

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

When we come together (oh-oh, oh-oh)

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

When we come together (oh-oh, oh-oh)

We’re gonna make this a beautiful world

Michael Bolton – Beautiful World – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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