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Letra Música Stand Away – Angra

Stand away, the dreaded burning fire
Leave its mark for those with no desire
Stand in front of the whole creation
Face the people starved like worms
Still I’m begging for comprehension
From the ones who rule us all
In this field the dying embers soil
All around we mourn
Oh, here they come again
(Now they’re coming more aggressive)
(Tearing down our only chances)
The stars can’t find the purple sky
(Loneliness will find its reason)
(Treasured seeds for every season)
Long for the day be back someday
And the church
(Church is selling consolation)
(Killing Jesus for salvation)
Don’t let us die
Let me rest in peace

Away a while
Our smile taken from the hearts of broken souls

Stand away
From the fire
Destined by the fate
Let those sinners pay
How they steal
On the judgment day
How they yield

Stand in front of the whole creation
Face the people starved like worms
Still I’m begging for comprehension
From the ones who rule us all
On this field the dying embers soil
All around we mourn

Oh, here they come again
(Now they’re coming more aggressive)
(Tearing down our only chances)
The stars can’t find the purple sky
(Loneliness will find its reason)
(Treasured seeds for every season)
Long for the day be back someday
And the church
(Church is selling consolation)
(Killing Jesus for salvation)
Don’t let us die
Rest in peace
Let me rest in peaceAngra – Stand Away – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023


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