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Letra Música Gutter – Medina

I used to be a beggar
A beggar for your love
Then you used and abandont me
This time I had enough
Remember when you showed up at my place
The way you just pushed me to the floor
Remember when you spat in my face
And later came knocking on my door

You left me in the gutter, gutter, gutter
You left me in the gutter, gutter,
You left me in the gutter, gutter, gutter
Left me in the gutter

You’ve become a beggar
But I’m not gonna let you in
Won’t make you even think I will
Consider this again

Remember how you told me you hate
The way that I am, the way I speak
Remember that I’m the one you’re afraid
For everything that makes you weak

You left me in the gutter, gutter, gutter
You left me in the gutter, gutter,
You left me in the gutter, gutter,
You left me in the gutter, gutter, gutter

If you are falling
I’m not gon’ catch you
When you come crying
I’m not gon’ dry your tears
If you were dying
I wouldn’t safe you

I’ll leave you in the gutter, gutter, gutter
I’ll leave you in the gutter, gutter
I’ll leave you in the gutter, gutter, gutter
I’ll leave you in the gutter, gutter, gutter

I will leave you in the gutter
I will leave you in the gutter
Like you left me
I will leave you in the gutter
I will leave you in the gutter
Like you left me

Medina – Gutter – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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