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Letra Música Across The Wire – Calexico

Alberto hits his brother on the
Back of the head, looks to the north
As he starts to get up
His brothers still sleepy
Grumbles “it’s not light yet,”
“if you want a new life, what’s
A few minutes wait?”
Darkness on the road and over the land
Into the laws and out of the hands
From those with so much
And no show of heart
You’d think it’d be crazy
To ask for a small part
Spotted an eagle in the middle of a lake
Resting on cactus, feasting on snakes
But the waters recede as the
Dump closes in, revealing a whole lake
Of sleeping children
Poison in the stream that flows to the sea
Out on the waves that crash within reach
Of those with so much
And so little to fear
You’d think it’d be crazy
To be so far away yet so near
Some say a new day will shine here
Over these catastrophes and horrors
Of misfortune, all across the wire
Alberto y hermano on the coyote’s trail
And dodging the shadows of the border patrol
Out in the wastelands wandering for days
The future looks bleak with
No sign of change
Darkness in the eye and down
In the soul
All across the wire to those in control
Holding so much
With no show of heart
You think it’d be crazy
To watch it all fall apart
Watch it all fall apartCalexico – Across The Wire – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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