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Letra Música National Anthem Of Brazil (English Version) – Exército Brasileiro

They heard the placid banks of the Ipiranga
From a heroic people, the resounding cry
And the Sun of freedom, in blazing rays
It shone in the sky of the motherland at that moment
If the promise of this equality
We managed to conquer with a strong arm
In your bosom, O freedom
Death itself defies our chest!

O beloved homeland
Save! Save!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
From love and hope to the earth descends
If in your beautiful sky, smiling and of course
The image of the Cruise shines

Giant by nature
You are beautiful, you are a strong and fearless colossus
And your future reflects this greatness

Beloved land
Among another thousand
It’s you Brazil
O beloved homeland!
Of the children of this soil you are a gentle mother
Beloved homeland

Eternally lying in a splendid cradle
To the sound of the sea and the light of the deep sky
Fulgures, oh Brazil, flower of America
Illuminated by the Sun of the New World!

Than the brightest earth
Its beautiful and smiling fields have more flowers
Our woods have more life
Our life, in your bosom, more loves

O beloved homeland
Save! Save!

Brazil, of eternal love, be a symbol
The labar that bears stars
And say the green blonde from that streamer
Peace in the future and glory in the past

But if you raise the strong club of justice
You will see that your child doesn’t run away from the fight
Don’t be afraid, who loves you, death itself

Beloved land
Among another thousand
It’s you Brazil
O beloved homeland!
Of the children of this soil you are a gentle mother
Beloved homeland
Brazil!Exército Brasileiro – National Anthem Of Brazil (English Version) – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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