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Letra Música Mr. Rockefeller – Rosemary Clooney

“Hi, operator.”
“May I help you?”
“Yeah, it’s me again. Did you get him on the line yet? . . .
Oh, this is awful. I’ve been trying to get him all day. . . .
No, it’s okay. I’ll wait.”
Mr. Rockefeller, how are you?
Mr. Rockefeller, having fun?
Mr. Rockefeller I could use a few
if you’d like to send a few down my way.

Mr. Rockefeller, I get my magazines,
I see you on the TV too, yeah.
Mr. Rockefeller, they tell me, they tell me all about it,
but they don’t tell me how are you.

Sometimes I think I know you,
sometimes I think I don’t.
Sometimes I think we’ll make it,
sometimes I think we won’t.

Waiting on the wire,
and I’m ragged to the bone.
Mr. Rockefeller won’t you
please pick up the phone?

The reason I’m calling is to say
I’m not feeling so good.
I’m all broken down.

My family is nervous and my thoughts are blue.
But I wanna know, I gotta know,
I’m askin’ everybody, how are you?

Please, won’t you answer me?
Won’t you take the time?
The next call’s got to be collect,
‘cause this is my last dime.
Waiting on the wire,
and I’m ragged to the bone.
Mr. Rockefeller, please pick up the phone.

Mr. Rockefeller, how are you?
Mr. Rockefeller, having fun?
Mr. Rockefeller, how are you?
Mr. Rockefeller, having fun?

Mr. Rockefeller, please, Mr. Rockefeller.
Mr. Rockefeller, whoooh.
Mr. Rockefeller, please, Mr. Rockefeller.
Mr. Rockefeller, oooh.
Mr. Rockefeller, please, Mr. Rockefeller.
Mr. Rockefeller, whoooh.
Mr. Rockefeller, please, Mr. Rockefeller.
Mr. Rockefeller, oooh.

Mr. Rockefeller, wouldn’t it be nice?
Mr. Rockefeller . . .Rosemary Clooney – Mr. Rockefeller – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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