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Letra Música Turn The World Around – Dean Martin

Turn the world around the other way back it up and stop on yesterday
Back to before that silly fight and give me a chance to make things right
I said some things I didn’t mean to say things that I am sorry for today
Down on my knees I beg you please to turn the world around the other way

I never really wanted us to break up
Snd I’m sorry for each teardrop that you’ve cried
We need to give our hearts a chance to make up
And darling will you stand in by my side

We’ll turn the world around the other way back to where it started yesterday
Just take my hand together we can turn the world around the other way

Turn the world around the other way back it up and stop on yesterday
Just take my hand together we can turn the world around the other way
Yes turn the world around the other wayDean Martin – Turn The World Around – Ouvir Música

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