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Letra Música LOVE. (feat. Zacari) – Kendrick Lamar

Love or lust
All of us
Give me a run for my money
There is nobody, no one to outrun me
(Another world premiere)
So give me a run for my money
Sipping bubbly, feeling lovely
Living lovely

Just love me
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (just love me, just love me, just love me)
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (love me)
I wanna be with you (love me, just love me)

If I didn’t ride blade on curb, would you still (love me)?
If I minimized my net worth, would you still (love me)?
Keep it a hundred, I’d rather you trust me than to (love me)
Keep it a whole one hund’: Don’t got you, I got nothing

Ayy, I got something
Hol’ up, we gon’ function, no assumptions
Feeling like Tyson with it
Knock it out twice, I’m with it
Only for the night, I’m kidding
Only for a life, you’re a homie for a life
You’re a homie for life, let’s get it

Hit that shoulder lean
I know what coming over mean
Backstroke oversea
I know what you need
Already on ten, our money come in
All feeling go out, this feeling don’t drought
This party won’t end

If I didn’t ride blade on curb, would you still (love me)?
If I minimized my net worth, would you still (love me)?
Keep it a hundred, I’d rather you trust me than to (love me)
Keep it a whole one hund’: Don’t got you, I got nothing

Give me a run for my money
There is nobody, no one to outrun me
So give me a run for my money
Sipping bubbly, feeling lovely
Living lovely

Just love me
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (just love me, just love me, just love me)
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (love me)
I wanna be with you (love me, just love me)

I’m on the way
We ain’t got no time to waste
Popping your gum on the way (love me)
Am I in the way?
I don’t want pressure you none
I want your blessing today (love me)
Oh, by the way, open the door, by the way
Told you that I’m on the way (love me)
I’m on the way, I know connection is vague
Pick up the phone for me, babe

Damn it, we jamming
Bad attitude from yo nanny
Curves and your hips from yo mammy
Remember Gardena
I took the studio camera
I know Top will be mad at me

I had to do it, I want your body, your music
I bought the big one to prove it
Look what you made
Told you that I’m on the way
I’m like an exit away, yep

If I didn’t ride blade on curb, would you still (love me)?
If I minimized my net worth, would you still (love me)?
Keep it a hundred, I’d rather you trust me than to (love me)
Keep it a whole one hund’: Don’t got you, I got nothing

Give me a run for my money
There is nobody, no one to outrun me
So give me a run for my money
Sipping bubbly, feeling lovely
Living lovely

Just love me
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (just love me, just love me, just love me)
I wanna be with you, ayy, I wanna be with (love me)
I wanna be with you (love me, just love me)

Kendrick Lamar – LOVE. (feat. Zacari) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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