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Letra Música Moonlight – TWICE

Your eyes are glowing in the dark
Lighting the way to where you are
Ain’t nothing pulling us apart
When we’re together
Diamonds are everywhere, they’re all that I can see
Close isn’t close enough for you to be to me
I wanna be the air, be the air you breathe
Hold you forever

Ooh, all the stars above
Got nothin’ on you, baby
And your love is shining like the sky
But all I want tonight

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh
You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh

Summer, it never had a chance
Winter could melt inside your hands
You do it all because you can
Don’t you forget it

Ooh, all the stars above
Got nothin’ on you, baby
And your love is shining like the sky
But all I want tonight

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh
You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

Body on me
You know that I’m what you need
I’m your favorite recipe
Got that boss type of energy, yeah, yeah

Baby boy, you got my heart
Craving your love, your touch
Hope you don’t mind
Trying to take a trip under the moonlight

You, the one that I want
In my feels so deep, like I’m in a dream
And I don’t want to wake up
And it’s all because of you, I’m sprung (I’m sprung)
All I think about is you and us
You’re all I want tonight

You and I (you, ooh)
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but

You and I (you and I)
Dancing in the moonlight (yeah, yeah)
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but
(Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but you)

You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh
You-hoo, you, ooh, ooh, ooh

You and I
Dancing in the moonlight
Kiss you when the mood’s right
Baby, I don’t want nobody else, but
You and ITWICE – Moonlight – Ouvir Música

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