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Letra Música You’re Beautiful – The Rose

I got you
You got me
Nothin’ in the way
There’s something special
What you do to me
Already got to me now
Taking my sanity, oh, so slowly
There’s no words, no filter, no anything
Just capture the essence of everything
No looking at stars for answers
Nothing could shine as bright as you
You’re the only

Beauty’s just the state of mind
You don’t even have to try
Don’t let them tell you otherwise
You’re beautiful, I’ll tell you why

I love the way that you’re designed
Love the way we intertwine
Still don’t need a reason why
You’re beautiful and now you’re mine

And now that I’m with you
Another day
To show you and hold you
In every way
How did you get to me now?
Taking my sanity, oh, so slowly

No, there ain’t no other
No, there ain’t no other but you
No, there ain’t no other
No, there ain’t no other but you
No, there ain’t no other
No, there ain’t no other but you
I know you’re the reason why

Beauty’s just the state of mind
You don’t even have to try
Don’t let them tell you otherwise
You’re beautiful, I’ll tell you why

I love the way that you’re designed
Love the way we intertwine
Still don’t need a reason why
You’re beautiful and now you’re mine
You’re beautiful and now you’re mine
You’re beautiful and now you’re mine

Beauty’s just the state of mind
You don’t even have to try
Don’t let them tell you otherwise
You’re beautiful, I’ll tell you whyThe Rose – You’re Beautiful – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023


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