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Letra Música Youtiful – Stray Kids

Looking at yourself
A lot goes in your mind
I don’t know if I’m ready to show myself
You worry day and night
Look at the stars fall
They leave the sky, goodbye
Must be an oracle, like a waterfall
They shower you with love tonight
‘Cause you are
You’re perfect in my eyes
You are
Don’t ever doubt yourself
I know that feeling too
I’ve been inside the dark
I’ve never been so empty, hopeless
But no, it isn’t true
‘Cause know that all the stars are by your side

You know, whenever there’s a chance
I will tell you that you’re amazing as you are
‘Cause when you give me a glance
I am sure that I see the universe in your eyes

Don’t you ever tell yourself
That you’re not enough
I am certain that you’re truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are youtiful

Let me tell a little story
About the star that couldn’t shine or blink
Out of a million, billion
Felt like an alien, alien
Then that little star was surely
Going to become the biggest thing
Making a fantasy family
Beautiful galaxy, galaxy

‘Cause you are
More than beautiful, one of a kind
You are
Just know I’m always by your side

You know, whenever there’s a chance
I will tell you that you’re amazing as you are
‘Cause when you give me a glance
I am sure that I see the universe in your eyes

Don’t you ever tell yourself
That you’re not enough
I am certain that you’re truly fine
You are a miracle, miracle
You are youtiful

Another day ahead
Don’t wanna leave the bed
You’re looking at the mirror
See the tears covered in red
I know that you’ve been cold this whole time
But now I’m here to make it end

You know, whenever there’s a chance
I will tell you that you’re amazing as you are
(Amazing as you are)
‘Cause when you give me a glance
I am sure that I see the universe in your eyes
(Universe in your eyes)

Don’t you ever tell yourself
That you’re not enough
I am certain that you’re truly fine
(Certain that you’re truly fine)
You are a miracle, miracle
You are youtifulStray Kids – Youtiful – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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