Letra Música Closer (feat. Paul Blanco & Mahalia) – RM

I get a feelin’ sometimes
That I can’t get close enough to you
I feel it most in the nighttime
Even though that’s when I’m closest to you
If I could be under your skin
Closer than we’ve ever been
We’d be closer than we’ve ever been
Oh, no
Mm, I feel it most in the nighttime, yeah
Me never on your timeline, yeah
See you always in the limelight
Keep me rollin’ in the deep, yeah
Not a tease, no joke, I do mean it
Don’t cease, baby, don’t, why you floatin’?
Wanna lock you up in my sight
But you run away like fish, yeah

I keep you right next to me
Only just in my dream
I see you in red, blue, green
Don’t wake me up from sleep
I think I’m losin’ my grip
Everything off the beam
Why you showed up in my life like this?
So sudden, oh, God no

I get a feelin’ sometimes
That I can’t get close enough to you
I feel it most in the nighttime
Even though that’s when I’m closest to you
If I could be under your skin
Closer than we’ve ever been
We’d be closer than we’ve ever been

Come holla at a Yungin from the Block, baby
Say the time don’t wait for nobody
Oh, I bet you thought, baby
(Bet you thought I’d leave, huh?)
But the time gon’ stop
When you and I make our lips lock, baby
(Trust me)
And once again you made me misplace my pride, baby
(So trust me, I)
Promised myself never again, yeah
But you got me doing the same thing all over again
And I make her body dickdi diddy diddy bop
Dickdickdi diddy diddy bop
I wanna show you how I gets down
Baby girl, come on
(Come on and, oh)

If love ain’t for us
(If love ain’t for us, oh)
이걸로 만족할게
I don’t need your touch
(I don’t need your touch, yeah)
너의 사랑이면 돼
(Come closer, come closer)

If this is all we can do
Yeah, just lookin’ at you
There’s gon’ be no take two
Stay where you are

If this is all we can do
Yeah, just lookin’ at you
There’s gon’ be no take two
Stay where you are

Stay where you are
Just stay where you are
Stay where you are
Stay where you are
Stay where you are
Stay where you are
YeahRM – Closer (feat. Paul Blanco & Mahalia) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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