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Letra Música I Want That – (G)I-DLE

I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now, no B-R-B
I want that all matte big black S-U-V
I want that, I want that
I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now that, you and me
I want that, oui, merci, no, c’est la vie
I want that, I want that
Don’t stop, we run through the yellows
We go pedal to the metal
Then on stage collecting the medals
We here, ain’t no higher level
If you wondering, I’m too hot for layers
See you only when I come up for air
Get you tongue tied, don’t know what to say
What? Huh?

I want you to fall
Hardest of all
Until the tears roll down your face
Saying my name
Or nothing at all
I only want everything

I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now, no B-R-B
I want that all matte big black S-U-V
I want that, I want that
I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now that, you and me
I want that, oui, merci, no, c’est la vie
I want that, I want that

Green light, stop doing nothing
Start pushing loosen my buttons
Share one seat from LA to London (uh)
This could turn into something
We could do this all up and down the coastline
If you wanna come in close, no, I don’t bite
Get on over here
And don’t fight the moonlight (uh)

I want you to fall
Hardest of all
Until the tears roll down your face
Saying my name
Or nothing at all
I only want everything

I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now, no B-R-B
I want that all matte big black S-U-V
I want that, I want that
I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now that, you and me
I want that, oui, merci, no, c’est la vie
I want that, I want that

I want that P-S-Y-C-H-O-T-I-C kinda love
P-S-Y-C-H-O-T-I-C kinda love

I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now, no B-R-B
I want that all matte big black S-U-V
I want that, I want that
I want the: Oh my, oh my, O-M-G
I want that right now that, you and me
I want that, oui, merci, no, c’est la vie (oh)
I want that, I want that (yeah)(G)I-DLE – I Want That – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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