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Letra Música Typa Girl – BLACKPINK

Typa girl that’ll make you wanna dream (me)
Typa girl that came straight off of the screen (screen)
Typa girl you wanna ice up, make me freeze (ha, ha)
Typa girl you wanna wife up, sign the pre
I bring money to the table, not your dinner
Both my body and my bank account, good figure
Thinking ‘bout me, but there’s nothing to consider
If I let you in my circle, you a winner

Didn’t know that you were cold till you felt my fire
Heaven’s gate just opened up, hearing choirs
If you saying something else, you a liar

‘Cause I’m that girl that drive you crazy, but you can’t leave me alone
Got you thinking maybe, I went supernatural
Put you under spells or look into a crystal ball
I’m not like these other girls at all
I’m the typa girl that make you forget that you got a type
Type that make you love me when the only thing you done is like
I’m that typa girl, I’m that typa girl
I’m that typa girl, I’m that typa girl

Like du-du-dun, du-ru-ru-run
Like du-du-dun, du-ru-ru-run

Uh, I’m the type of girl that everybody type
Double tap, tap, tap what everybody like
You can check my stats, got everybody’s eye
And I run them laps, ‘round everybody’s mind
All of these girls on some uppercase shit
That mean they all cap
Being the best at whatever I do
That’s sounding on brand

Typa girl that you wish for when you blow that candle out
Typa girl that you wanna take back to your mama house
Typa girl that don’t ask for what she wants, she’s takin’ out
Typa girl who got bag in same quality as Chanel

Now you know that you were cold ‘cause you felt my fire
Heaven’s gate just opened up, hearing choirs
If you saying something else, you a liar

‘Cause I’m that girl that drive you crazy, but you can’t leave me alone
Got you thinking maybe, I went supernatural
Put you under spells or look into a crystal ball
I’m not like these other girls at all
I’m the typa girl that make you forget that you got a type
Type that make you love me when the only thing you done is like
I’m that typa girl, I’m that typa girl
I’m that typa girl, I’m that typa girl

Like du-du-dun, du-ru-ru-run
Like du-du-dun, du-ru-ru-runBLACKPINK – Typa Girl – Ouvir Música

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