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Letra Música BTBT (feat. Soulja Boy & DeVita) – B.I

When my eyes are on you
숨막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose
Make me go 비틀비틀
A dance floor made for two
달이 부르는 선율
Oh, it’s only me and you
Make me go 비틀비틀

You bring the demon out of me
Blame it all on your body
We might be an hour late
We ain’t got no time to waste

꿈을 꾸는 기분이야
잡은 손을 놓지마
내일은 안 중요해
이 순간을 몰입해

Oh, I got plenty
I done seen em’ all, but if you’re of you there ain’t many
Said they win the race, so I’m slow and I’m steady
But can’t move this slow in a Bentley, ohh

You say you need a, a true lover
Someone to kiss and hug ya
You feigning for some touching (aye)
I could be all that and above
I just hope that I’m enough
‘Cause I don’t ever do this

When my eyes are on you
숨막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose
Make me go 비틀비틀

A dance floor made for two
달이 부르는 선율
Oh, it’s only me and you
Make me go 비틀비틀

춤을 추지 날 위해
만취해 너의 향기에
세상을 다 알기에
인생은 짧으니 시간을 맘껏 낭비해

거리를 방황하자 우리
둘 뿐인 것처럼 말이야
아찔하고 위험할 수록
내 심장은 뛰어
That’s why I love ya

Oh, I got plenty
I done seen em’ all, but if you’re of you there ain’t many
Said they win the race, so I’m slow and I’m steady
But can’t move this slow in a Bentley, ohh

You say you need a, a true lover
Someone to kiss and hug ya
You feigning for some touching (aye)
I could be all that and above
I just hope that I’m enough
Cause I don’t ever do this

When my eyes are on you
숨막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose
Make me go 비틀비틀

A dance floor made for two
달이 부르는 선율
Oh, it’s only me and you
Make me go 비틀비틀

Yeah, front, back, side to side
Pull up then I drop the top on a new ride
Buss down Cartier cost 35
30,000 square feet in the air, stay fly

Red carpet, I was fresh suit and tie
Jumped off the stage i’on even know why
Everytime I drop a new hit we on fire
Ya we going viral, I know that I inspired you

Jump on a jet, let’s get away out of town
Find somewhere away, we can’t be found
Buss down that Cartier, I came from the ground
Ain’t no other man in the town

Rolling up the Zaza woods right out the pound
Don’t look at my water, you gon’ drown
Everybody know, Big Draco it’s going down

When my eyes are on you
숨막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose
Make me go 비틀비틀

A dance floor made for two
달이 부르는 선율
Oh, it’s only me and you
Make me go 비틀비틀

Make me go 비틀비틀
Make me go 비틀비틀B.I – BTBT (feat. Soulja Boy & DeVita) – Ouvir Música

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