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Letra Música Building Bridges – Jon Anderson

Surely like you say the more we realize

Surely there’ll come a time for letting go

Come a time building bridges

Come a time mending all that is

Now we build the bridges that we walk upon

Now we breathe the peace that connects us us

Speaking with the voice of understanding

Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky

The earth is waiting for a season change

To set the role of cross-culture wisdom

Better sounds you choose never let you down

Then you might easily turn around.

Now we build the bridges that we walk upon

Now we breathe the peace that connects us us

Speaking with the voice of understanding

Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky

Of the sky

Good day morning brother eagle

Good day wonder sister sky

We walk hand in hand with your love

We walk through this ancient line

Good day dreamers always dreaming

Good day moonlight all is form

We dance hand in hand with one love

We walk through this ancient land

Now we build the bridges that we walk upon

Now we breathe the peace that connects us us

Speaking with the voice of understanding

Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky

Surely like you say the more we realize

Surely there’ll come a time before letting go

Come a time building bridges

Come a time mending all that is

Ooh yeah yeah yeah

Ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Now we build the bridges that we walk upon

Now we breathe the peace that connects us us

Speaking with the voice of understanding

Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky

Jon Anderson – Building Bridges – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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