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Letra Música Just Once – Quincy Jones

I did my best
But I guess my best wasn’t good enough
‘Cause here we are back where we were before
Seems nothing ever changes–
We’re back to being strangers
Wondering if we ought to stay or head on out the door

Just once
Can we figure out
What we keep doing wrong
Why we never last for very long
What are we doing wrong?

Just once
Can’t we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
If we could just get to it
I know we could break through it

I gave my all
But I think my all may have been too much
‘Cause Lord knows, we’re not getting anywhere

Seems we’re always blowing
Whatever we’ve got going’
And it seems at times with all we’ve got
We haven’t got a prayer

Just once
Can we figure out
What we keep doing wrong
Why the good times never last for long
Where are we going wrong?

Just once
Can’t we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
I know we could break through it
If we could just get to it, just once

I want to understand
Why it always comes back to goodbye
Why can’t we get ourselves in hand
And admit to one another
We’re no good without each other?
Take the best and make it better
Find a way to stay together

Just once
Can’t we find a way to finally make it right
To make the magic last for more than just one night
I know we could break through it
If we could just get to it, just onceQuincy Jones – Just Once – Ouvir Música

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