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Letra Música All That Jazz – Chicago (Musical)

[PIANOMAN] Five, six, seven, eight[VELMA] Come on babe Why don’t we paint the town? And all that JazzI’m gonna rouge my knees And roll my stockings down And all that jazzStart the car I know a whoopee spot Where the gin is cold But the piano’s hotIt’s just a noisy hall Where there’s a nightly brawl And all That Jazz[PIANOMAN] Skidoo![VELMA] And all that Jazz[COMPANY] Hotcha! Whoopee![VELMA] And all that jazz[COMPANY] Ha! Ha! Ha![VELMA] Slick your hair And wear your buckle shoes And all that JazzI hear that Father Dip Is gonna blow the blues And all that JazzHold on, hon We’re gonna bunny hug I bought some aspirin Down at United Drug I case you shake apart And want a brand new start To do that-[ROXIE] Jazz[VELMA] Find a flask We’re playing fast and loose And all that jazz Right up here Is where I store the juice And all that jazzCome on, babe We’re gonna brush the sky I bet you luck Lindy Never flew so high ‘Cause in the stratosphere How could he lend an ear to all that Jazz?[VELMA] Oh, you’re gonna see your sheba shimmy shake[ALL] And all that jazz[VELMA] Oh, she’s gonna shimmy ‘till her garters break[ALL] And all that jazz[VELMA] Show her where to park her girdle Oh, her mother’s blood’d curdle If she’d hear her baby’s queer For all that jazzAll that jazz Come on, babe Why Don’t we paint The town? And all that jazz[COMPANY] Oh, you’re gonna see Your Sheba Shimmy shake And all that jazz[VELMA] I’m gonna Rouge my knees And roll my Stockings down And all that jazz[COMPANY] Oh She’s gonna shimmy ‘Till her garters Break And all that jazz[VELMA] Start the car I know a whoopee spot Where the gin is cold But the piano’s hot It’s just a noisy hall Where there’s a nightly brawl And all that jazz[COMPANY] Show her where to Park her girdle Oh, her mother’s blood’d Curdle If she’d hear Her baby’s queer For all that jazz[VELMA] No, I’m no one’s wife But, Oh, I love my life And all that Jazz![ALL] That Jazz!(letra reformulada e correta de All That Jazz)Chicago (Musical) – All That Jazz – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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Jane Godoy
[email protected]
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