Letra Música You Give Me Something – Jamiroquai

When I met you, you were so unique
You had a little thing I’d love to keep
Every movement carried much mystique
I knew right then I’d carry on
To you I knew my heart belongs
You know, you, you give me something
Something that nobody else can give
And my heart started thumpin’
You know now, you’re the one I truly know I dig

Like the sunbeams from a perfect summer day
Heaven only seems a step away
When I’m with you, I just celebrate
I’m hoping my message gets through
There’s never been someone like you

I had nobody, but on you I lean
‘Cus you got these little things that I
I know I’ve never seen

You know now, you, you give me something
Something that nobody else has got
And this love that I’ve been wanting
Oh baby, it’s turning out to be too fast to stop

You know now, ooh, you give me something
Something that nobody else can give
See, my heart has started thumpin’
You know babe, you’re the one I truly know I dig

Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?

Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?

(You give me something that nobody else can give)
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
(You give me something that nobody else can give)
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?

Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?
Ooh, will you give me something?

Jamiroquai – You Give Me Something – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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