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Letra Música Repressed – Apocalyptica

I traveled the way that you showed me
Left all my sorrows behind
“I’m leaving”, which grows your own starving
Expecting myself to be fine
So why don’t fuck out
my loneliness grows
and shut up the door
To get all the fights is awarded
The watching strength you want for

I left my sorrow behind
Você precisa direção!
Warning not to give up the fight
Me diga a verdade!

Your words!

That gave me direction
Helped me turn into what I thought I wanted
Fists that gave me protection.
Helped me deal with you.
So for now our days are through.

Nothing left
Nothing rests
Nothing grasps

You declared what your faith is.
But you still have the fear.
The way you’ve left your life open.
will not bring your destiny here.
Do I continue my journey.
confusion is wrapped in my mind.
so when you’re gone with your martyr.
you can continue your lies

Você precisa direção!
Me diga a verdade!

Your words!
That gave me direction
Helped me turn into what I thought I wanted
Fists that gave me protection.
Helped me deal with you.
So for now our days are through.

I left my sorrows behind, I left my sorrows behind
Warning not to give up the fight
Warning not to give up the fight
You declared what your faith is
I will continue my journey


That gave me direction
Helped me turn into what I thought I wanted
Fists that gave me protection
Helped me deal with you
So for now our days are through

So for now our days are through
Me diga a verdade!
So for now our days are through

Nothing left
Nothing rests
Nothing grasps

Never underate the man with nothing left inside
Never underate the man with nothing left insideApocalyptica – Repressed – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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