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Letra Música Cradle Of Forest – Akira Yamaoka

There deep, deep in the forest night children dance the waltz
They laugh whispering hand in hand, just like children like to do
Their eyes, what are they looking for, white dress flutters the beat
Their song starting to make some sense, only if you’re listening
Dance, dance like the butterflies, shadows appear right before my eyes
Sounds echo the obsurd, hard to explain something that I heard

Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds
Does the scent of soil and beast
Breath the life into the animal you hide
It’s a great illusion one never knows
When you think you’re really alone
Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you

Again, see how the children play, red moon colors the trees
Their feet, innocent rustling sounds, playful dreamlike fantasies

Dance, dance like the butterflies, shadows appear right before my eyes
Sounds echo the obsurd, hard to explain something that I heard

Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds
Does the scent of soil and beast
Breath the life into the animal you hide
It’s a great illusion one never knows
When you think you’re really alone
Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you

Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds
Does the scent of soil and beast
Breath the life into the animal you hide
It’s a great illusion one never knows
When you think you’re really alone
Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you

Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds
Does the scent of soil and beast
Breath the life into the animal you hide
It’s a great illusion one never knows
When you think you’re really alone
Feel the eyes of someone looking in on youAkira Yamaoka – Cradle Of Forest – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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