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The Class Of Madame Gazelle

Time for school, climb the hill
All my friends and me
Time for school, it’s so much fun!
There’s lots to do and see
Madame Gazelle is at the door, she greets us everyday!
She ticks our names upon the list
And this is what she’ll say!

Candy Cat, Danny Dog, Emily Elephant, Freddy Fox
Gerald Giraffe, Mandy Mouse, the one and only, Pedro Pony
Rebecca Rabbit and Suzy Sheep, Zoë Zebra and Peppa Pig
Listen, there’s the bell!
For the class of Madame Gazelle

Reading books and story time, we have them everyday
Playing music and singing songs, until it’s time to play
It’s so much fun for all of us, there’s lots to learn and do
The teacher sings our names out loud
We love to join in, too!

Candy Cat, Danny Dog, Emily Elephant, Freddy Fox
Gerald Giraffe, Mandy Mouse, the one and only, Pedro Pony
Rebecca Rabbit and Suzy Sheep, Zoë Zebra and Peppa Pig
Listen, there’s the bell!
For the class of Madame Gazelle

End of school, time to go
All my friends are near
End of school, we’ve learned a lot
To listen carefully
Parents waiting at the door
They greet us everyday!
They’re waving as the classes end
And this is what they’ll say

Candy Cat, Danny Dog, Emily Elephant, Freddy Fox
Gerald Giraffe, Mandy Mouse, the one and only, Pedro Pony
Rebecca Rabbit and Suzy Sheep, Zoë Zebra and Peppa Pig
Listen, there’s the bell!
For the class of Madame Gazelle

Home time, children!
Listen, there’s the bell!
For the class of Madame GazelleEstilo: INFANTIL Artista: Peppa Pig Canal no Youtube: Peppa Pig

The Class Of Madame Gazelle – Peppa Pig

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Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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