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Letra Música Moana – Where You Are – Disney

Moana, make way, make way
Moana, it’s time you knew
The village of Motunui is
All you need
The dancers are practising
They dance to an ancient song
(Who needs a new song? This old one’s all we need)

This tradition is our mission
And Moana, there’s so much to do
(Make way)
Don’t trip on the taro root
That’s all you need

We share everything we make (we make)
We joke and we weave our baskets (aha!)
The fishermen come back from the sea

I wanna see

Don’t walk away
Moana, stay on the ground now
Our people will need a chief
And there you are

There comes a day
When you’re gonna look around
And realize happiness is
Where you are

Consider the coconut
(The what?)
Consider its tree
We use each part of the coconut
That’s all we need

We make our nets from the fibers
(We make our nets from the fibers)
The water is sweet inside
(The water is sweet inside)
We use the leaves to build fires
(We use the leaves to build fires)
We cook up the meat inside
(We cook up the meat inside)

Consider the coconuts
(Consider the coconuts)
The trunks and the leaves
The island gives us what we need

And no one leaves

That’s right, we stay
We’re safe and we’re well provided
And when we look to the future
There you are

You’ll be okay
In time you’ll learn just as I did
You must find happiness right
Where you are

I like to dance with the water
The undertow and the waves
The water is mischievous
Ha! I like how it misbehaves

The village may think I’m crazy
Or say that I drift too far
But once you know what you like, well
There you are

You are your father’s daughter
Stubbornness and pride
Mind what he says but remember
You may hear a voice inside
And if the voice starts to whisper
To follow the farthest star
Moana, that voice inside is
Who you are

We make our nets from the fibers
(We weave our nets from the fibers)
The water is sweet inside
(And we taste the sweet inside)
We use the leaves to build fires
(We sing these songs in our choir)
We cook up the meat inside
(We have mouths to feed inside)

The village believes in us
(That’s right!)
The village believes
The island gives us what we need
And no one leaves

So here I’ll stay
My home, my people beside me
And when I think of tomorrow
There we are

I’ll lead the way
I’ll have my people to guide me
We’ll build our future together
Where we are

‘Cause every path leads you back to
Where you are
You can find happiness right

Where you are
Where you areDisney – Moana – Where You Are – Ouvir Música

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