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Letra Música It’s Goin’ Down – Descendentes (Disney)

Huh, let’s get this party started
I swear I’m cold-hearted
There’s no negotiation
I’m not here for debatin’
You need some motivation
Just look at Ben’s face
Then ask yourself how long
You think I’ll remain patient

I’ll throw him overboard
And let him swim with killer sharks!
You either hand over the wand
Or he’ll be ripped apart!

Now, let’s all just be smart
Although for you that must be hard
You’ll get your wand
No one has to come to any harm

Don’t try to intimidate
Your bark is much worse than your bite
Who’s the baddest of ‘em all?
I guess we’re findin’ out tonight!

Let’s go! Bring it on!
Better give us what we want
It’s the wand for the crown
If you don’t, It’s goin’ down!

Let’s go! Make your move!
Peace or war, is up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don’t, It’s goin’ down!

We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is runnin’ out
You should really watch your mouth

Let’s go! Pound for pound!
We’re prepared to stand our ground
Put your sword up! Put ‘em up!
It’s goin’ down

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh Make the trade!
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh Or walk the plank!

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh (Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Make the trade!
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh (Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Or walk the plank!

Ok, Look
This is not a conversation
It’s a do or die situation
If you don’t give me back the king
I’ll have no hesitation

I’ll serve you right here
And I don’t need a reservation
That way your whole pirate crew
Can have a demonstration

Release him now
And we can go our separate ways
Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs

So that’s your big speech, huh?
An empty ultimatum?

All it takes is one swing and I’ll humiliate him
Matter of fact make one wrong move and I’ll debilitate him
And if he even starts to slip, I’ll eliminate him
All it takes is one wrong look and I’ll

Harry! We get it! Chill

Let’s go! Bring it on!
Better give us what we want
It’s the wand for the crown
If you don’t, it’s goin’ down!

Let’s go! Make your move!
Peace or war, is up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don’t, it’s goin’ down!

We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is runnin’ out
You should really watch your mouth

Let’s go! Pound for pound!
We’re prepared to stand our ground
Put your sword up! Put ‘em up!
It’s goin’ down

Hey! We don’t have to choose
We don’t have to light the fuse
Mal, Whatever you do it’s gonna be a lose-lose
There’s gotta be better way
Uma, I promise I’ll give you your chance
You’ll have your say

Silly king! You… Give me?
You’re gonna give me a chance?
Well, not a chance!

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh Make the trade!
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh Or walk the plank!

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh (Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Make the trade!
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh (Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Or walk the plank!

Let’s go! Bring it on!
Bring it on, it’s goin’ down
Time is runnin’ out
Bring it on, it’s goin’ down

Let’s go! Bring it on!
Bring it on, it’s goin’ down
Time is runnin’ out
Bring it on, it’s goin’ down

Let’s go! Pound for pound!
We’re prepared to stand our ground
Put your sword up! Put ‘em up!
It’s goin’ down

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh, oh oh
(Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh, oh oh
(Uma Uma Uma la la la)

Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh, oh oh
(Uma Uma Uma la la la)
Yo oh, ho oh, oh oh, oh oh
(Uma Uma Uma la la la)

Uuma, Uuma
Uuma, Uuma

What’s my name?
(Uma Uma la la Um)
What’s my name?
What’s my name!?
(Uma Uma la la Uma)
Say it now!Descendentes (Disney) – It’s Goin’ Down – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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