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Letra Música Vague – Orgy

Chemicals keep me under control
Chemicals keep me under control
Chemicals keep me under control
Chemicals keep me under control
Sleeping at the wheel
I can’t feel my face
Maybe it’s better this way
My stomach’s twisted, all tied up in knots
And I’m feeling like I don’t want this
Killing time as the clock goes
Tick tock, tick tock
They’ll never keep you away from me
I know where you’ll be tomorrow
What difference does it make to you?
I don’t care ain’t got the time
Winning the race for another line
It’s written in my mind
Just to get it all away from me
Away from me
‘Cause I think I’m falling

‘Cause I think I’m falling
Falling out of touch with life
And I’m thinking it’s all just a big mistake
I think I’m falling
Falling, out of touch with life
So what have I been telling myself?

Must be the rage deep down inside of me
Eating me away
Eating me away
Feelings are so vague, so wrong
So what have I been telling myself?

So I’ve been chosen
To be the victim of
Your misery
That’s right I’m frozen
Chemicals keep me under control
So cold from all the ice and amphetamines
That I just might make you think

That Jesus was your middle name
As though it seems to be an act of God
But for now go ahead and believe what
You want to believe
‘Cause I think I’m falling

‘Cause I think I’m falling
Falling out of touch with life
And I’m thinking it’s all just a big mistake
I think I’m falling
Falling out of touch with life
So what have I been telling myself

Must be the rage deep down inside of me
Eating me away
EatinOrgy – Vague – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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