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Letra Música Destruction Manual – Lord Of The Lost

We all endure our daily war
Like an automaton
Return to zero
Rewrite your law
And join the gang
Sing 3, 2, 1
Gonna paint the town pink
Time to do, not to think
Feel the devil pulsate in your veins
Well, there’s no guarantee
What tomorrow will be
So let’s leave it tonight all in flames

Be you, be true, be keen
No rules, no fools, no scene

Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it hurt, let it rock and let it turn
Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
Sing it, hey
Motherfucker, sing it, hey
Let it rock and sing it, hey
Motherfucker gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn

Unload all your regret
They’re insured, I would guess
So whatever you smash will be fine
Let the rebel dictate
And destroy to create
Devastation is oh, so divine

Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it hurt, let it rock and let it turn
Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
Sing it, hey
Motherfucker, sing it, hey
Let it rock and sing it, hey
Motherfucker gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn

Break it down
Break it down

Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it hurt, let it rock and let it turn
Let it burn, motherfucker, let it burn
Let it burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
Sing it, hey
Motherfucker, sing it, hey
Let it rock and sing it, hey
Motherfucker gonna burn

Motherfucker, sing it, hey
Let it rock and sing it, hey
Motherfucker gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burnLord Of The Lost – Destruction Manual – Ouvir Música

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