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Letra Música At The End of August – 36 Crazyfists

(So I lit lanterns to light up all these words)
(Looking back I know it’s what I’d die for)
(And through all this life)
(Smashed away all the strife)
(A friendship I paint)
Crawling from the floor
I’ve been there before
There I was staring back at the bottom
And let’s make this clear
It came from these tears
Carved across our chests

And with the new light there was young hope
To underline the meaning
And carve our names in

At the end of August
The end of
At the end of August
The end of
I’ll never replace the ones I first made
Jesus, does anyone?

So I lit lanterns to
Light up all these words
Looking back I know it’s what I’d die for
And through all of this life
Smashed away all the strife
A friendship I paint

And with the new light there was young hope
To underline the meaning
And carve our names in

At the end of August
The end of
At the end of August
The end of
I’ll never replace the ones I first made
Jesus, does anyone?

(Crawling from the floor)
(I been there before)
(And let’s make this clear)

And I want you to know
How all of you made me
How all of you saved me
And I’ll never replace
The ones I first made
Jesus, does anyone?

At the end of August
The end of
At the end of August
The end of
I’ll never replace the ones I first made
Jesus, does anyone?

(Crawling from the floor)
(I’ve been there before)
(There I was staring back at the floor)

And let’s make this clear
It came from these tears
Carved across our chest
Loyal36 Crazyfists – At The End of August – Ouvir Música

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