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Letra Música I Wanna Rock – Rob Base

(Got) (got) (got) (got) (got) (got to be)
(Got) (got) (got) (got) (got) (got to be)
(Got) (got) (got) (got) (got) (got to be)
(Got) (got to be funky)
Ey-ey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it

Yo, I hope you got the skills of a sumo
Cause battlin me I’m sure you get judoed
By me the Green Hornet, stoppin though you’re on it
Verse after verse I won’t curse, now I flaunt it
So, here we go, to claim a new throne
Step on stage and then you’re in a twilight zone
Where no man has gone before
I like to kick the funky, funky, funky new style
So gimme space, clear the place so I can buckwild
I know you know I know you know they can’t get near
I know you know I know you know how suckers fear this
I know you know I know you know I won’t rest
I know you know I know you know that I’m the best
I know you know I know you know who won’t fess
I know you know I know you know that I’m blessed
I know you know I know you know that

(I wanna rock right now)
(Got to be funky)

As I think and let the knowledge be born as I step
Suckers try to beat me but they can’t
Cause of my reputation, to rock this demonstration
The smoothest illustration, deep concentration
I think and sink into with the wits of a ginzu knife
Do what you like to keep it real hype
Come and get the riff from the gift MC
Smokin like a muthafuckin spliff
When I rhyme I start to smoke, make you choke
Unlike a man that’s broke
My rhyme is like thunder, make you wonder
You can’t get over, go under
When I rhyme my rhyme bursts into flames
And they’re tough like the drawers called Haynes

(I wanna rock right now)
(Got to be funky)

Here’s the conclusion of the dope rap rage
Use caution when you step on my stage
Cause I’ma rip MC’s to shreads
Step to me, lights out, you’re dead
I’ll knock you out like in a Tyson fight
I roll you up like a blunt, real tight
Then smoke you, or just choke you
You shoulda chilled, cause now I broke you
Be cool when you see me flex
Left, right, left right, who’s next?
Is it you, you, you, or your whole crew
Messin with me you’re through
I don’t sleep and I don’t relax
I kick funky lyrics to the max
I know you like the rhymes I’m swingin
But there’ll be more that I’m bringin

(I wanna rock right now)
(Got to be funky)Rob Base – I Wanna Rock – Ouvir Música

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