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Letra Música The One – Medina

You said so many things so many times before
All your empty words were just a painful cover
You always promised me that it would always be
Together, you & I would be forever
I was too blind to see you had a hold on me
And I fell for every lie, you were so clover
I tried so hard to read the message in your eyes
But I wont let go of what we have together
There was a time when I was all alone
I never opened up until we found each other
Tell me why this has to be so hard
Right now I know that we belong right here together

Even if we hurt each other so
And even when you lie,
I just close my eyes and let it go
Not afraid to let all my feelings show
You’ll always be the one, one, one, one
Even if I just wanna run away
And even if I hate all the stupid silly words you say
Can’t deny with you is where I wanna stay
Cuz baby u’re the one, one, one, one, one

When you say the words you know i wanna hear
I forget all the pain that I was feeling
I want those yesterdays to slowly disappear
So what u did to me I’ve already forgiven
You’re not the one to blame for all our memories
And that was long before we ever got together
You know it’s you, i guess that it will always be
Cuz you and i belong to one another

There was a time when I was all alone
I never opened up until we found each other
Tell me why this has to be so hard
Right now I know that we belong right here together

Even if we hurt each other so
And even when you lie,
I just close my eyes and let it go
Not afraid to let all my feelings show
You’ll always be the one, one, one, one
Even if I just wanna run away
And even if I hate all the stupid silly words you say
Can’t deny with you is where I wanna stay
Cuz baby u’re the one, one, one, one, oneMedina – The One – Ouvir Música

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