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Letra Música Afraid – Medina

If everyone around us was gone
If all the lights were burnt out, then lighted
Would you ever see me beyond
Your layers of loneliness?
Tell me has your heart passed the beat?
Can’t it see me jumping and dancing?
I always end up down on my knees
In front of your loneliness

Have you lost the way it felt to be smiling?
Have you lost the way it felt to be laughing?
Have you lost the way you wanted to live?
Oh, tell me have you?

Ooh, are you out where there’s no peace and no heaven?
Are you out where hearts cannot be forgiven?
Are you down where every sound is so silent? Are you?

I have made you a rainbow, every shade
But when you see it then you look the other way
You feel afraid and then you look the other way

I have written a song
It’s yours to take
But you don’t wanna seem to listen anyway
‘Cause you’re afraid and then you look the other way

If your life would end here and now
Would you leave without feeling sorry?
Lookin’ in a mirror I doubt
You’d see through your own distress
Now do you ever think about
If life is on your side or against you?
I just don’t know how to work out
The passion of your defence

Have you lost the way it felt to be smiling?
Have you lost the way it felt to be laughing?
Have you lost the way you wanted to live?
Oh, tell me have you?

Ooh, are you out where there’s no peace and no heaven?
Are you out where hearts cannot be forgiven?
Are you down where every sound is so silent? Are you?

I have made you a rainbow, every shade
But when you see it then you look the other way.
You feel afraid and then you look the other way.

I have written a song. It’s yours to take.
You don’t wanna seem to listen anyway
‘Cause you’re afraid and then you look the other way

I have made you a rainbow, every shade
But when you see it then you look the other way
You feel afraid and then you look the other way

I have written a song. It’s yours to take
You don’t wanna seem to listen anyway
‘Cause you’re afraid and then you look the other way

If everyone around us was gone
If all the lights were burnt out, then lighted
Would you ever see me beyond
Your layers of loneliness?Medina – Afraid – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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