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Letra Música 6 am – Medina

Click the beat and tell ‘em to repeat it
Tell ‘em that you won’t leave now
it is 6 am and it’s only the beginning
Tell ‘em that you can’t go now
It’s 6 am, not ready for the daylight
6 am, let’s staying here and hide
6 am, not ready for the daylight
6 am

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beat

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beat

Click the beat, I need a new injection
Getting so infected now
Pulsating music, damn it, let me use it
Need to feel a rush right now
Now now now

It’s 6 am, not ready for the daylight
6 am, let’s staying here and hide
6 am, not ready for the daylight
6 am

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beat

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beat

Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beat

I waited all night long to hear this beat
I got the nerv so bring it on
So push that beat
So when I’m dancing on my own
Just push that beat
That beat, that beatMedina – 6 am – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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