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Letra Música Hideaway – Kiesza

Taking me higher than I’ve ever been before
I’m holding it back, just wanna shout out, “give me more”
You’re just a hideaway, you’re just a feeling
You let my heart escape beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way to stop the storm
Oh, baby, it’s out of my control, what’s going on?
But you’re just a chance I take to keep on dreaming
You’re just another day that keeps me breathing
(Ooh) baby, I love the way (aah) that there’s nothing sure
(Aah) baby, don’t stop me, (ooh) hide away with me some more

(Mash it)
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh

You’re sending a shiver up my spine, might overflow
You’re bringing me closer to the edge of letting go
Oh-oh, but you’re just a hideaway, you’re just a feeling
You let my heart escape beyond the meaning
Pulling my head into the clouds, I’m floating up
When you get me going, I can’t find a way to stop
Oh-oh, but you’re just a chance I take to keep on dreaming
You’re just another day that keeps me breathing

Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh

(Ooh) baby, I love the way (aah) that there’s nothing sure
(Aah) baby, don’t stop me, (ooh) hide away with me some more
(Ooh) ohh, ohh, ohh (aah)
(Aah) ohh, ohh, (ooh) hide away with me some more

Bringing me higher than I’ve ever been before
I’m holding it back, just wanna shout out, “give me more”
But you’re just a hideaway, you’re just a feeling
You let my heart escape beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way to stop the storm
Oh, baby, it’s out of my control, what’s going on?
You’re just a chance I take to keep on dreaming
You’re just another day that keeps me breathing
Ohh-ohh, ohh yeahh
You’re a day that keeps me dreaming

(Mash it)
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh
Ooh, aah, aah, ooh

(Ooh) baby, I love the way (aah) that there’s nothing sure
(Aah) baby, don’t stop me, (ooh) hide away with me some more
(Ooh) ohh, ohh, ohh (aah)
(Aah) ohh, ohh, (ooh) hide away with me some moreKiesza – Hideaway – Ouvir Música

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